Tima version: 2021-6
LHS version: 4.0
DeltaTima version:
GeometryServer version:
FMS type:
Client: LB Prod
Diagnosis and Solution: The geometric team noticed that there are points ofuncrushables below the topography. This problem can happen in any version of TIMA, in this case the height was what was wrong, but it can apply to any coordinate.
The solution first is to run some get from postman, specifically the following.
This results in the following text as shown in the image.
What we must do is to take this text copying from the first bracket to the last one leaving aside the single quotation marks.
Then we must leave the copied text in a text editor (We recommend Notepad ++ or Sublime) and we will remove the backslashes (\)
With that the resulting text we are going to take it to an arrangement in Json in the following page. https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/
The resulting text will be a little neater and with this we can go to the geometric team to validate all the coordinates.
When the geometric equipment returns us the validated file with the corrected coordinates in the same postman we will use a POST to send the changes to TIMA (always have a backup before making a POST).
Finally, for the changes to take effect we make a refresh POST