Tima version:

LHS version:

DeltaTima version:

GeometryServer version:

FMS type:


Diagnosis and Solution:Orthophoto band is not supported by PNG driver, only 8 bit (Byte) and 16 bit (UInt16)

To make the change you must go to QGIS, load the orthophoto and go to: Ráster - Conversión - Traducir (convertir formato) 

In the window you must display the Advanced parameters option, select Output data type and choose UInt16 or Byte. Finally click on the "ejecutar" button.

In the layer selector, create a new layer with the name "Converted" (or "convertido"), if you turn off the original layer you will see the results.

By right-clicking - Properties - Information, you can confirm the change in Data Type.

Finally to export the final result, right click on the Converted layer, several options will be displayed where you must select Save as...

In the file name, click on the 3 points to select the folder where the orthophoto will be saved, then select the preferred SRC (Determined for each mine) and accept.