Tima version:

LHS version:

DeltaTima version:

GeometryServer version:

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Diagnosis and Solution:

In order to change the day of beginning and ending in "navegation in time", we use the software Postman. First at all you have to go to collections > jarvis > general > GET assets settings and click the buttom "Send", doing this, in the "body" you are goint to get a dictionary with the information that we see on TIMA.

As we can see in the previous image, you have to look for the "group" named "timeline", where we have a "key" and a "value" parameter. Days are enumerated from 1 to 7, where monday corresponds to number 1, tuesday to number 2, and so untill sunday wich is the number 7. On the picture we can see the first day is 6, meaning saturday, while the "lastweekday" is 5, meaning friday.

If you want to change the day of beginning and ending in "navegation in time" you have to copy all the information given in "body" and create a backup, in a new file you have to change only the number in "value", taking care not to change anything else. In the following example we change the beginning and ending for monday and sunday, respectively. 

Copy all of the structure that contains the change, next, go to "POST Assets settings", select "Body", and erase all the information there, then paste the structure and click on buttom "Send"

Finally on collections > jarvis > general > POST Refresh all click on "Send" so we can see the changes in