Tima version:

LHS version:

DeltaTima version:

GeometryServer version:

FMS type:


Diagnosis and Solution: This problem is present in clients that have SQLEXPRESS DB which has a limit of 10GB although it can also occur for SQL DB in Azure that have a storage limit of 250GB and finally it can also happen in clients that have licensed SQL on a separate windows server here the size will depend on the disk where the database is being saved.

As a solution we must stop all scheduled tasks and leave them disabled.

Following, you have two options:
1. Create a new DB (Valid for SQLEXPRESS): Here you must create a new DB where the name is related to the DB that is already full, example:
lhserverA (DB full) --- > lhserverB (New DB, important that this DB must have the same key as the previous DB)
Now we must go to the Tima configuration files so that they point to the new DB that are located in (LHS Installation Disk):\Timining\LHS\lhs\etc

The files to edit are: lhs-apirc.yml, lhs-rtrc.yml, lhs-setuprc.yml and lhs-synkerrc.yml
All files must be edited in the block (database:)

I specify the dbname parameter, which in the case of this example is lhserverB

Now we must indicate to lhs-synkerrc.yml the day from which we want to recover data (It is recommended not more than two days before the previous DB was filled)

Now we can turn the scheduled tasks back on in the following order
• lhs-synker
• lhs-api
• All geometry tasks except Geometric Server - Periodic (this will run after the synker finishes its initial synchronization)
• lhs-updateOif
• lhs-rt
• All heatmaps
• Geometric Server - Newspaper
2. Empty the existing DB and reuse it: For this option, we must still stop all the scheduled tasks as we did previously, then we must be clear from what day we want to recover data since the lhs-synkerrc.yml must be edited in the same way, later we will proceed with empty the LHS DB with the program to do so you have to check the following path (LHS installation disk):\Timining\LHS\lhs\etc the file lhs-setuprc.yml in the database block must be written in the DB that we want to clean.

Now we are located in the folder LHS Installation Disk):\Timining\LHS\lhs where lhs-setup.exe should be

We open a cmd located in the folder and we will execute the following command

The DB will be cleaned now we can perform the steps seen above to execute the scheduled tasks in the order indicated previously.